Book News – Now at McNally Robinson

Photo of storefront, McNally Robinson Booksellers

McNally Robinson Booksellers now carries my book, Dickies From Gunton.

Once upon a time, I lived in the Osborne Village area of Winnipeg. There, I fondly remember going to book launches and events at a charming little independent bookstore. You may remember it.

In 1996, it was consolidated into McNally Robinson’s Grant Park store, Canada’s largest indie bookstore at the time, and still to this day, according to their website.

McNally Robinson Booksellers is now carrying Dickies From Gunton: Canadian Brothers in Two World Wars.

Today, I notice how many of the friendly faces of book writers displayed prominently and with honour in the bookstore are quite familiar. They remind me of how long I have been writing.

From one of my first jobs as a community reporter to more recent writing for the Manitoba book publishers’ magazine, I have had the opportunity to meet and write about many writers from Manitoba, the Prairies and beyond. I always enjoy reading their books, hearing their stories, celebrating their success, and helping them to promote their work.

Now it is a great honour to have my own book, #DickiesFromGunton, in the bookstore, too. Especially as the #ThinAir2023 writers festival begins.

Percy and Earl didn’t have the opportunity to visit the store during their lifetimes but they would certainly be proud to know their story is being shared here.